Me, the Dinosaur!

I decided to proudly call myself that!
At the age of 46, I took a rollercoaster ride: the MA program I am currently enrolled in. The amazing thing about this program is that it places you in the middle of the latest trends, business practices and innovations in the media and tech industry (both closely related), globally. A big chunk of what it exposes you to is: tech! The problem is, that I personally do not “mix” very well with tech. In the tech market, I am like this picky lady who touches and squeezes 20 tomatoes before picking the ones that are good enough for her taste.

Don’t get me wrong. I am all for messaging, video calls and useful apps, but I have strong stands against what is beyond. If you would like me to give a few examples, I will: robots, why is the human being looking for a self-replacement? I know we, humans, hate ourselves, but I never imagined we would go to the extent of perfecting robots to take away our jobs! And why? For big companies to make more money!

Data: why is our personal data saved somewhere, for AI to analyze it and control our lives and behavior, through targeted content on social media? I came to a realization that what was created to bring us closer to our loved ones, turned out to be a billionaire making machine.

A coin-size chip in the brain: one that Elon musk feels like planting. Why? To read my thoughts’ signals and copy them to a computer. It is fine Elon, I can type my thoughts on a word file and save it. Not to take it very lightly, I appreciate the medical cure side of it, working on brain illnesses like paralysis, depression and others, but why do you want my brain and a computer to mutually interact? We are already creepy the way we are, why make it even worse?

I am a strong believer that tech advancement is mainly about money and less about human evolution. My take on it is that humans need a lot of work on their “human” side; famine in half of the planet, wars, billions spent on weapons, individualism, money worshipping, too much “bad” in the world; in response to that, my eternal question is: what are we trying to solve with the advancement of technology? Is it serving any of the above mentioned global problems? What is more urgent? Building rockets so billionaires can roam the space (again Musk, but nothing personal with the guy)? Or finding a medicine that once injected in the human body, turns humans into good, harmless, caring, selfless creatures?

I would go for the latter.


The fuss about Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit