
About Sophie Boutros

Born and raised in war-torn Lebanon, the youngest in a family of 5, Sophie’s childhood escape was towards movies. She spent her free time watching them on rental VHS and getting immersed in their stories. She was engaged in cultural and artistic discussions by the side of her siblings, Julia and Ziad Boutros, whose influence on the world of music is major in the Arab world.

Following high-school , and once things settled down in her home country, Sophie decided to join the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts to graduate with a bachelor degree in Audio-Visual Directing.

Upon graduation in 1997, she joined the TV workforce, quickly paving her way to become a TV director for shows of different natures.

After 6 years in TV production, Sophie started a new path in her career: she became a music video director. She launched it with Julia Boutros’ famous La B’Ahlamak, followed by numerous music videos for A-list Arab singers.

In 2013, Sophie started a new journey: co-writing and directing a Lebanese feature film, Mahbas. In 2015, Mahbas went into production and was released with a grand opening at the Dubai Film Festival in 2016. It was commercially released with great success in Lebanon, Syria, the UAE and Sweden among other countries, was viewed by more than 130,000 people and toured the world and won awards in festivals.

Sophie played a major role in setting up and launching the Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication at AUD, a place she has been calling home for the past 11 years. She is the Executive Director of the School where she also teaches screenwriting and production courses.